This is the blog of 7 girls chosen to live in the most ROCKING flat ever to grace the streets of London that fateful Fall of 2006. Now that we've graduated, this is the next best thing to weekly flat dinners. Please update early and often, and honorary flat members (you know who you are) can feel free to send updates to one of us and have those posted on here as well. GIT-'R'-DONE!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to the Caribbean, Love!

Hi friends! Points to Liz for making the first post, though I guess I'll be the one telling the first stories. :P (Hopefully, Emily and Dorea will join us in blog-land soon!)

Anyway, I just got back this afternoon from my Caribbean cruise with Nikki and her family, and it was fabulous! I have an awesome if incredibly uneven tan (Complete with two hand prints on my back, and yes, I'm pretty sure they're my own hands...Don't ask), and a boatload of pictures to sort through! I won't go through a day-by-day itinerary of what we did because you can probably guess that it consisted of the pool, the beach, and lots of cocktails. In varying orders of course. :P

In case you were curious, I was carded an average of 2 times per day on the cruise, the crowning glory being when I was carded 3 times in one place, the first 2 definitely within 5 minutes of each other. What's even better is that the under-21's have 2 holes punched into their SeaPass cards (your ID for the ship), and mine did NOT, but they would ask me for my ID anyway because I'm probably such a boozaholic that I stole someone else's. Everyone probably also thought I was the Huiras' adopted Asian daughter, but that's a whole other story...

Here are some pictures!

Swimming with some BIG-@$$ stingrays in Antigua! Seriously, this thing was easily half my size, without the stinger...

Riding ATVs with Nikki in St. Maarten! Hands down the coolest thing I've ever done in my entire life! And, yeah, I had my own, but this was a good photo op.

This one's for you, Susan! Nick Maley, the guy who built Yoda for Star Wars, retired some years ago to St. Maarten and opened up this gallery/shop for his own artwork and Star Wars memorabilia. It. Was. Awesome.

And that's him! I thought it was weird that he had us hold his hand in the pictures, but I chose not to question it.
And sipping cocktails by the ship's pool.

What have you guys been up to? Don't let me be the only one blogging!

--Jenni Foo Foo--

1 comment:

Susan said...


That's so awesome Jenni and it looks like you had a great time!

I'll post soon I the moment I don't have much news/pictures but give me some has me on the comp 10 hours a day, 4 days a week already. :( :P

-Susan (aka if you couldn't figure that one out!)