This is the blog of 7 girls chosen to live in the most ROCKING flat ever to grace the streets of London that fateful Fall of 2006. Now that we've graduated, this is the next best thing to weekly flat dinners. Please update early and often, and honorary flat members (you know who you are) can feel free to send updates to one of us and have those posted on here as well. GIT-'R'-DONE!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

All Shook Up (And NOT by an Earthquake)

Well, ladies, it had to happen eventually, given that I am in fact an Asian female driver now in California...Emily and I were in a car accident yesterday, rear-ended by another guy while trying to get on the freeway. I was the one driving, but (without going into detail) it was 100% the other guy's fault, he even admits it, and both of us are a little sore but otherwise okay. My car is another story, but that's what insurance is for, right? I suppose the one absolutely fabulous thing about this whole ordeal is that I came to the hilarious realization that I actually do have State Farm Insurance, which made me laugh out loud that I never remembered that before.

Don't worry, my next post will have more fun news than that. :-D

For those curious about the damage (and all my fallen stuffed animals really make the image that much more dramatic):


1 comment:

Susan said...

That you have State Farm insurance is priceless. 10,000 points, ftw.

And I'm glad it was only a fender bender!