This is the blog of 7 girls chosen to live in the most ROCKING flat ever to grace the streets of London that fateful Fall of 2006. Now that we've graduated, this is the next best thing to weekly flat dinners. Please update early and often, and honorary flat members (you know who you are) can feel free to send updates to one of us and have those posted on here as well. GIT-'R'-DONE!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rock You Like a Hurricane

So I have not even been in Houston for a month and I'm currently set to face my first hurricane ever--Hurricane Ike. Although technically, having lived in Okinawa ten years ago, I have been through typhoons and even super typhoons. However, this is a bit different and quite exciting in an absurd way.

I'm bunkering down with my newfound friend Heather, another first year grad student in the English department, since they ordered a mandatory evacuation of the grad apartments. We've got water, filled our bathtub after showering this morning, have ice in the fridge, canned food, and candles galore. Also plenty of homework to keep us busy (Ike had to hit over the weekend, didn't it?). Nothing has happened so far but we seem pretty set and have at least two places to go if things get really bad.

Otherwise life in Houston has been pretty good; I've been learning the ropes of reading lots and lots of literary theory. Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to continue having problems with the roommate (she's been rather disrespectful, unfortunately), but until the storm passes, I can't do much about it.

So that's a quick update to let people know that so far I am safe. I'll try to update as soon as everything passes. They're saying it's going to be dire, but since Houston isn't on the coast and we're not in a low-lying part of the city, we should be fine. Wish us luck! I'm off to prepare for craziness.



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the hurricane isn't causing you too much trouble...Stay safe, m'dear!

Susan said...

Thanks, I'll do my best! :)